Online quote

    Private or corporate?

    Please specify whether you are a private individual or a company, this will help us to work out the best offer for you!

    Customer type

    Contact information

    Type of application

    Which area do you need to furnish?

    Application Type



    height of the walking surface (floor) from the supporting surface below (on which the supports rest)


    height of the application area in relation to ground level at ground level



    Are you also interested in the laying service?
    It will be included in the quote.

    Requirements for load-bearing capacity or fire behaviour and other preliminary data

    Indicate the values or select from the possible choices, if known, for the indicated characteristics:
    enter 0 if not known

    Concentrated static load (kN)

    Uniformly distributed load (kN/sqm)

    Maximum load (kN)

    Flow rate

    UK Standard (MOB PF2 PS/SPU)

    European Standard (EN12825)

    Flexion class or safety factor (Standard EN12825)

    Dimensional deviation class

    Fire reaction class

    Fire resistance class

    Which floor do you like?

    Indicate the product by choosing it from the list below

    Coatings Available

    Ventilation, heating and vertical plugging

    Need for perforated panels for air passage in the technical floor

    Indicate required sqm

    Technical floor ventilation rate

    Access ramps

    Underfloor heating

    We are almost there

    Last steps! Provide this last information so that we can make the best offer for you

    Free access to vehicles

    will the construction site allow free access to means such as vehicles or equipment for material handling and transport?

    Presence of electricity

    Is a connection to the electricity grid available?

    Presence of water

    Is a water connection available?

    Crane presence for unloading

    Is there a crane for handling and transporting material to any upper floors?

    Carrier with hydraulic tailboard

    Is a carrier with a tail lift required to unload the material on delivery?

    Floor shooting

    Is it necessary to provide for transport to the installation floor by the installer or installation company?

    Material yield

    where is the material's yield expected?

    For private individuals: if you wish, please fill in the proxy form for collection of the purchased goods by the designated installer for installation at your site by clicking here

    Waste disposal

    Is it necessary to provide for the disposal of site waste by the installer or installation company?

    Attached documentation

    Upload plan and specification files here
    file permits pdf, file weight must not exceed 3MB



    Other indications


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